Blog posts


Create a Daily Weather Report

less than 1 minute read


Weather is the state of air in the atmosphere at a certain time and place that is erratic and changing. Assessment of weather categories is generally expressed by taking into account rain conditions, air temperature, amount of cloud cover, evaporation, humidity, and wind speed in a place from day to day.


Website Petshop

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Project ini menggunakan teknologi MVC, Paw-Paw adalah sebuah pet shop yang berkomitmen untuk menyediakan produk dan layanan berkualitas tinggi untuk hewan peliharaan dan pemilik hewan.

Perpustakaan using python

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The program presented is a simple program for a Digital Library. This program utilizes object-oriented programming concepts by using several classes, namely `Color`, `Library`, `Person`, and `Student`.

Amelia Bot WhatsApp

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The program seems to be a WhatsApp bot written using the @adiwajshing/baileys library. It sets up a client, handles incoming messages, and provides functions for sending messages and managing contacts.

Program ATM Sederhana Menggunakan Python

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Membuat Program ATM Sederhana Menggunakan Python update lagi nih studi kasus tentang python, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahan tentang ATM, kamu pasti pernah menggunakan ATM, untuk mengecek saldo atau mengambil uang dan transaksi lainya.

Sweet Cake

less than 1 minute read


The goal of the project is to create a website for the cake shop that includes features such as product listings, user logins, payments, and payments. This website will be developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. The features used are very simple such as the unavailability of databases and other functions.